脇差 津田越前守助広 延宝二二年八月日 丸津田 精良な地鉄に沸匂深い究極の濤瀾乱れ地刃冴え渡る最高傑作 一尺八分
Tokubetsuhozon Token

Sukehiro Wakizashi


Wakizashi Tsuda Echizennokami Sukehiro August 22nd year of Enpo period, Marutsuda Clear Jigane and Deep Nie Nioi, The ultimate Toran-Midare, and a masterpiece, Jiba is clear.

¥6,000,000(tax included)
津田越前守助広 Tsuda Echizennokami Sukehiro
延宝二二年八月日 August 22nd year of Enpo period
Hyogo 3/17/5(Reiwa)
Enpo 4th year, 357 years ago

Hachou 54.4cm (一尺八分) Sori 1.0cm
Moto-Haba 3.26cm Saki-Haba 2.32cm Moto-Kasane 0.81cm Shinogi-Thikess 0.81cm Saki-Kasane 0.58cm Kissaki-Chou 3.45cm Nakago-Chou 15.0cm Weight 638g

Shinogidukuri, Iorimune, Wide Mihaba, Slightly shallow Sori, Chu-Kissaki.
Small-Itamehada-tsumi, Jinie entered fine and thick, Chikei entered finely, Iron is bright and clear.
Wide Yakihaba with Oh-Gunome-Midare, There are thick Ashi and You, Small-Nie entered deeply well, Deep Nioi, Nioikuchi is bright and clear.
Suguni-Komaru, Slightly deep Return(Fukaku-Kaeru)
Ubu, Sakikurijiri, Yasurimesujikai, Mekugiana is one(1)
Single Kinkise (Wearing a single layer of gold.)
TsudaEchizennokami Sukehiro is a master craftsman who represents the new swords along with Yakotetsu Nagaso and Shinkai Inoue. The second Sukehiro, commonly known as Jinnojo, was born in 1637 in Uchide-mura, Setshu (now Ashiya City, Hyogo Prefecture), became the first Sukehiro, and was later adopted. In the 3rd year of Meireki (1657), he received the position of Echizen no kami, and in 1667, he was employed by Aoyama Inaba no Kami Munetoshi, the lord of the Osaka Castle, and died in the 2nd year of Tenwa (1682) at the age of 46. ing. At first, the style was Ishido-style clove blade, but then it changed from Gonomome to Ogonomome, and finally progressed to Toranba.
This sword, with its broad and imposing wide mihaba, was made in the fourth year of the Enpo Era, when Sukenoh was thirty-eight years old.
Jinie entered fine and thick, Chikei entered finely with bright and clear beautiful Jigane, The large Yakihaba Gunome, approaching Shinogi, is gorgeously Midare, There are thick Ashi and You, Jiba is clear, Deep Nie-Nioi and the ultimate Toran-Midare. It's a very good Kenzen with just a hint of Ubu-ba remaining. It's a masterpiece from Marutsuda Mei, Sukehiro's finest work.
助広 脇差 特別保存刀剣