五条国永 古京物 平安後期 三条宗近門 精妙温潤な地鉄に古雅で格調高く沸眩しく輝く名刀 二尺二寸二分
Tokubetsuhozon Token

Gojo Kuninaga Katana


Gojo Kuninaga Kokyomono, Late Heian period, Sanjo Munechika school, Calm and had Uruoi, the best Jigane,It is grand in classicality, Fine sword that Nie is dazzling and shines

¥8,500,000(tax included)
Kuninaga Kokyomono
Osaka 2/12/25(Heisei)
Late Heian period

Hachou 67.3cm (二尺二寸二分) Sori 1.7cm
Moto-Haba 2.9cm Saki-Haba 1.9cm Moto-Kasane 0.61cm Shinogi-Thikess 0.63cm Saki-Kasane 0.38cm Kissaki-Chou 2.7cm Nakago-Chou 18.4cm Weight 551g

Shinogidukuri, Iorimune, Standard Mihaba, Sakifusegokoro and High Koshizori, Small-Kissaki.
Small-Itamehada-tsumi, Mixed Small-Mokumehada, Jinie entered fine and thick, Chikei is finely and frequently applied, and Faintly Jifu Utsuritatsu.
Suguha-style,Shallow Notarete, Small-Midare, Mixed Small-Chouji, There are many Ashi and You frequently, Nie entered well, Nioikuchi is bright and clear.
Notarekonde Sakihakikakete-Kaeru
Ohsuriage, Sakikiri, Yasurimegiri, Mekugiana are three(3)
Kinkise Double(Double layered with gold.)
The Sanjo school is the oldest school of Japanese swords, not just in Yamashiro, and its founder, Munechika, is said to have been active in the mid-Heian period, around 987 during the reign of Emperor Ichijo, and is known as a master swordsmith during the period when Japanese swords changed from straight swords to curved ones.
Kuninaga was said to be the son of Arikuni and a member of the Munechika school, and is said to have been the creator of Tsurumaru by Hojo Sadatoki, which is currently a Imperial treasure.
This sword has Koshizori-tsuki, It has a dignified appearance from the Heian period that is connected to Sakifusegokoro and Small-Kissaki. It is a beautiful Jigane that is full of moisture and is exquisite. Suguha-style, Small-Midare, Mixed Small-Chouji, Nijuba-kakari, Small-Ashi and You entered frequently, Strong Nie shining bright, Nioikuchi is bright and clear. It is an elegant and famous sword.
 五条国永 刀 特別保存刀剣