在銘 来国俊 太刀 乱れ映り立ち直刃小乱れ金筋頻りに掛り優雅で頗る格調高い名刀 二尺四寸六分
12th Juyo Token

Rai Kunitoshi Tachi


Zaimei Raikunitoshi Tachi Midare-Utsuritachi Suguha Small-Midare Kinsuji entered frequently, An elegant and highly dignified sword 74.4cm


来国俊 Rai Kunitoshi
Tochigi 6/28/40(Showa)
Around Syouou period

Hachou 74.4cm Sori 1.8cm
Moto-Haba 2.8cm Saki-Haba 1.6cm Moto-Kasane 0.57cm Shinogi-Thikess 0.70cm Saki-Kasane 0.41cm Kissaki-Chou 2.3cm Nakago-Chou 21.8cm Weight 784g

Shinogidukuri, Iorimune, Standard Mihaba, Deep Sori, Small-Kissaki-tsumaru
Itamehada, Mixed Mokumehada, Hayori-nagarete, Jinie entered finally, Midare-Utsuritatsu.
Suguha-style, Mixed Small-Midare, Small-Ashi and You entered frequently, Small-Nie-tsuki, Kinsuji entered frequently long, Nioikuchi is bright and clear.
Kinsuji-kakari, Suguni-Komaru
Suriage, Sakikurijiri, Yasurimegiri, Mekugiana are two(2)
Double Kinkise(Double layered with gold.)
Raikokutoshi was born in the first year of Ninji (1240) and was the son of Raikokuyuki.His works are said to have passed from Koan in the mid-Kamakura period to Mototoru in the late Kamakura period, and that he died at the age of over 90.
The early Niji-Kunitoshi inscription is a magnificent figure with a gorgeous Chouji-Midare.
Many of the late Rai Kunitoshi signatures have a slender body and an elegant Suguha style blade pattern.
The Raiha was a school whose founder was Kuniyuki, and in the late Kamakura period it became the representative group of swordsmiths in Yamashiro, replacing it with the Awataguchi school. In addition, the works of the direct descendants of the Rai school, including Kuniyuki, Rai Kunitoshi, Rai Kunimitsu, and Rai Kunitsugu, all produce masterpieces.
This Tachi was originally over 85cm long, with Wazori, It has a splendid elegant appearance, full of small Kissaki. Midare-Utsuri with bright Jigane, Suguha-style, Mixed Small-Midare, Small-Ashi and You entered frequently, Shining small-tie is beautiful formed. The blade is well-worked with long and frequent kinsuji strokes. Nioikuchi is bright and clear. This sword was made during the Shouou and Einin periods and is the earliest of the three-character inscriptions beginning with [Rai]. Mei (The inscription) remains in such good condition that even a diamond mark can be seen. This is an elegant and prestigious sword.