人間国宝 Ningen Kokuho(Living national treasure)
月山貞一 刀 Gassan Sadakazu Katana
No.484180月山源貞一作 花押 昭和52年作 注文打入念作 華やかに乱れ沸匂深く地刃明るく冴える最高傑作 二尺三寸五分Gassan Sadakazu-saku Kaou 1977, made to order, great works with gorgeous Midare, Deep Nie Nioi, Jiba is bright and clear, A masterpiece 71.3cm
- 銘表Mei-Omote
- 大和国三輪山狭井河之上 月山源貞一作 花押 大和国三輪山狭井河之上 月山源貞一作 花押
- 裏銘Ura-mei
- 応楠部敏一氏需造之応楠部敏一氏需造之
- 登録証Registration
- 奈良県 Nara 昭和52年5月20日 5/20/52(Showa)
- 時代Period
- 昭和52年1977
- 法量Size
刃長 71.3cm (二尺三寸五分) 反り 2.3cm
元幅 3.5cm 先幅 2.5cm 元重 0.70cm 鎬厚 0.77cm 先重 0.61cm 鋒長 4.1cm 茎長 21.1cm 重量 917gHachou 71.3cm (二尺三寸五分) Sori 2.3cm
Moto-Haba 3.5cm Saki-Haba 2.5cm Moto-Kasane 0.70cm Shinogi-Thikess 0.77cm Saki-Kasane 0.61cm Kissaki-Chou 4.1cm Nakago-Chou 21.1cm Weight 917g - 国Country
- 奈良Nara
- 姿Shape
- 鎬造、庵棟、身幅広く、反り深く、中鋒。Shinogidukuri, Iorimune, Wide Mihaba, Deep Sori, Chu-Kissaki.
- 鍛Kitae
- 小板目肌つみ、小杢目肌交え、地沸厚くつき、地景細かくよく入り、鉄冴える。Small-Itamehada-tsumi, Mixed Small-Mokumehada, Jinie entered thick, Chikei entered finely well, Iron is clear.
- 刃文Hamon
- 互の目に丁子刃・小互の目交じり、足・葉太くよく入り、沸深くよくつき、粗沸を交え、砂流し頻りにかかり、匂深く、匂口明るく冴える。Gunome and Choujiba, Mixed Small-Gunome, There are many Ashi and You thickly, Deep Nie entered well, Mixed Rough Nie, Sunagashi-shikirinikakari, Deep Nioi, Nioikuchi is bright and clear.
- 帽子Boushi
- よく沸つき、直ぐに小丸、先掃きかける。Nietsuki frequently , Suguni-Komaru, Sakihakikakeru.
- 茎Nakago
- 生ぶ、先栗尻、鑢目筋違化粧、目釘孔一。Ubu, Sakikurijiri, Yasurimesujikaikesyou, Mekugiana is one(1)
- ハバキHabaki
- 金色絵二重。Double Kiniroe
- 彫物Carving
- 表裏に棒樋を丸止め、表素剣に梵字、裏護摩箸を彫る。Bohi is engraved on the front and back, Bonji(Sanskrit characters) are carved on the front of the sword, and goma-hashi are carved on the back.
- 説明Drscription
- 貞一刀匠は、本名を月山昇といい、明治40年、月山貞勝の子、初代月山貞一の孫という名門に生まれ、13歳のときより父に鍛刀を学び、昭和42年新作名刀展において正宗賞・文化庁長官賞を受賞、この年から祖父と同じ貞一を名乗る。昭和45年に無鑑査刀匠に認定、昭和46年には国の重要無形文化財保持者(人間国宝)に認定される。平成7年88歳で没。月山家は、鎌倉時代に出羽月山の霊場に住した鬼王丸を祖とすると伝える名門で、美しい綾杉肌は古来より人気を博した。本作は、小板目肌つみ、地沸が厚くつく精良で美しい地鉄に、互の目に、丁子刃交じり、よく沸付き、粗沸交じり、大小の沸が明るく輝き、沸匂深く、足・葉太くよく入り、砂流し盛んにかかり、地刃共に明るく冴え渡る最高傑作である。Swordsmith Sadakazu's real name is Gassan Noboru. He was born in 1906 into a prestigious family, the son of Gassan Sadakatsu and the grandson of the first Gassan Sadakazu. He learned swordsmithing from his father from the age of 13, and in 1962, Masamune exhibited his new works at an exhibition of famous swords. He received the Agency for Cultural Affairs Commissioner's Award, and from this year he took on the same name as his grandfather, Sadakazu.In 1971, he was certified as a swordsmith without inspection (Mukansa Tosyo), and in 1971, he was certified as a holder of important intangible cultural property Ningen Kokuho(Living National Treasure). He passed away in 1995 at the age of 88. The Gassan family is said to be a prestigious family whose ancestor is Kiomaru, who lived at the sacred site of Dewa Gassan during the Kamakura period, and the beautiful Ayasugi-hada has been popular since ancient times.
This sword is a masterpiece, Small-Itamehada-tsumi, Jinie entered thickly with beautiful Jigane, Gunome, Mixed Choujiba, Nie entered well, Mixed Rough Nie. Nie, large and small shine brightly, Deep Nie-Nioi, There are many Ashi and You thickly, Sunagashi-shikirinikakari, Jiba is bright and clear.