Tokubetsuhozon Tousougu

Mei Mitsumasa Tsuba


Mei Rinsendou Tsuji Mitsumasa[Kinin(Gold Seal)・Mitsumasa] Tokusakarizu Tsuba

Edo period

¥500,000(tax included)
臨川堂辻充昌(金印・充昌) Rinsendou Tsuji Mitsumasa[Kinin(Gold Seal)・Mitsumasa] T

Length 7.37cm Width 7.08cm Seppadai 0.48cm Nakaoana-Length 2.55cm Nakaoana-Width 0.8cm Weight 175.8g

Tsuji Mitsuamsa
1721-1776 Kinko(A metalworker) from the mid-Edo period.

Born in 1721. A member of the Kunitomo gunsmith family of Omi. The younger brother of Kunitomo gunsmith Tsuji Matazaemon. He studied engraving under Yokotani Soyo II in Edo, and returned home having mastered the Nara school of engraving.
He excelled in Takanikubori and Zougan, Iroe, Katagiribori, Mokume etc.
Commonly known as Genemon, Tanji. An issue signature is Rinsendou.

Tatemarugata Shibuichi-migakiji Usunikubori Zougan-Iroe Kakumimikoniku

Tokusa(Horsetail) is an evergreen, perennial fern of the Equisetaceae family. It grows along rivers in mountain areas and is 0.6 to 1 meter tall.
銘充昌 鍔 特別保存刀装具