特別保存刀剣Tokubetsuhozon Token
畠田真守 刀 Hatakeda Sanemori Katana
No.700343畠田真守 鎌倉中期弘安頃 重要候補 乱れ映り立つ精良な地鉄に丁子乱れに足葉頻りに掛る傑作 二尺一寸九分Hatakeda Sanemori Mid Kamakura period, around Kouan period, Juyo Candidate, A masterpiece with Midare-Utsuritatsu clear Jigane, Chouji-Midare, There are many Ashi and You well, 66.4cm
- 極めKiwame
- 畠田真守Hatakeda Sanemori
- 登録証Registration
- 東京都 Tokyo 令和2年3月21日 3/21/2(Reiwa)
- 時代Period
- 鎌倉中期弘安頃Mid-Kamakura period, Around Kouan period,
- 法量Size
刃長 66.4cm (二尺一寸九分) 反り 1.6cm
元幅 2.9cm 先幅 2.0cm 元重 0.75cm 鎬厚 0.73cm 先重 0.51cm 鋒長 3.1cm 茎長 20.5cm 重量 721gHachou 66.4cm (二尺一寸九分) Sori 1.6cm
Moto-Haba 2.9cm Saki-Haba 2.0cm Moto-Kasane 0.75cm Shinogi-Thikess 0.73cm Saki-Kasane 0.51cm Kissaki-Chou 3.1cm Nakago-Chou 20.5cm Weight 721g - 国Country
- 備前Bizen
- 姿Shape
- 鎬造、庵棟、身幅やや尋常、腰反りつき、中鋒。Shinogidukuri, Iorimune, Slightly Standard Mihaba, Koshizori-tsuki, Chu-Kissaki.
- 鍛Kitae
- 小板目肌つみ、小杢目肌交じり、地沸微塵につき、地景入り、乱れ映り立つ。Small-Itamehada-tsumi, Mixed Small-Mokumehada, Jinie entered finely, Chikei entered , Midare-Utsuritatsu.
- 刃文Hamon
- 小乱れに、丁子刃など交じり、足・葉頻りに入り、小沸よく付き、匂口明るい。Small-Midare, Mixed Choujiba, There are many Ashi and You well, Small-Nie entered often, Nioikuchi is bright.
- 帽子Boushi
- 浅く乱れ込んで小丸。Shallow Midarekonde-Komaru.
- 茎Nakago
- 大磨上、先切、鑢目切、目釘孔二。Ohsuriage, Sakikiri, Yasurimegiri, Mekugiana are two(2)
- ハバキHabaki
- 金着一重。Kinks single (Wearing a single layer of gold.)
- 彫物Carving
- 指表棒樋を掻き流し、指裏棒樋を掻き通す。Scrape the Sashi-Omote(surface of the sashi), Push the Bohi through the Sashi-Ura (back of the Sashi.)
- 説明Drscription
- 畠田真守は、畠田守家の子と伝え、畠田派では守家に次ぐ名手であり、上々作に挙げられている。畠田派は、初代畠田守家を祖とする一派で、一派の作刀年代は鎌倉中期頃から室町初期頃までみられ、備前長船の字畠田に住んだ事から畠田派と呼ばれているが、銘には長船住と切ったものしか存在しない。真守はおそらく長光より少し先輩の鍛治で、ほぼ同時期に活躍したと思われる。この刀は、腰反りつき、中鋒詰まりごころの鎌倉中期の優美な姿で、乱れ映りが立つ精良で美しい地鉄に、小乱れに、丁子刃交じり、足・葉頻りに入り、小沸よくつき、匂口明るく冴える傑作である。Hatakeda Sanemori is said to be the son of Hatakeda Moriie, and is the second most skilled swordsmith in the Hatakeda school after Moriie, and is considered one of the best swordsmiths in the school.
The Hatakeda school is a school whose founder was the first Hatakeda Moriie, and their sword making dates from the Mid-Kamakura period to the early Muromachi period. They are called the Hatakeda school because they lived in the Hatakeda area of Osafune, Bizen, but the only inscription on their swords reads "Osafune-ju".
Saneomri was probably a blacksmith slightly older than Nagamitsu and was active at roughly the same time.
This sword has an elegant appearance from the Mid-Kamakura period, with Koshizori-tsuki, Chu-Kissaki-tsumarigokoro, Midare-Utsuritatsu with clear beautiful Jigane, Small-Midare, Mixed Choujiba, There are many Ashi and You, Small-Nie entered well, Nioikuchi is bright and clear, A masterpiece.