重要刀剣Juyo Token
利恒 太刀Toshitsune Tachi
No.734985利恒 正恒門 乱れ映り立ち小乱れ飛び焼き金筋砂流し掛る古雅で覇気溢れる名刀 時代拵付 二尺三寸二分Toshitsune Masatsune School Midare-Utsuritachi Small-Midare Tobiyaki Kinsuji and Sunagashi-kakaru A famous sword full of elegance and ambition, With Jidai Koshirae 70.2cm
参考品Reference product
- 銘表Mei-Omote
- 利恒Toshitsune
- 登録証Registration
- 東京都 Tokyo 昭和28年 28(Showa)
- 時代Period
- 平安末期元暦頃Late Heian period, around the Genryaku era
- 法量Size
刃長 70.2cm (二尺三寸二分) 反り 1.0cm
元幅 2.95cm 先幅 1.85cm 元重 0.53cm 鎬厚 0.60cm 先重 0.43cm 鋒長 2.6cm 茎長 22.6cm 重量 705gHachou 70.2cm (二尺三寸二分) Sori 1.0cm
Moto-Haba 2.95cm Saki-Haba 1.85cm Moto-Kasane 0.53cm Shinogi-Thikess 0.60cm Saki-Kasane 0.43cm Kissaki-Chou 2.6cm Nakago-Chou 22.6cm Weight 705g - 国Country
- 備前Bizen
- 姿Shape
- 鎬造、庵棟、身幅広く、磨上て反りやや浅く、腰反り・踏ん張り付き、先幅細く、小鋒。Shinogidukuri, Iorimune, Wide Mihaba, Suriage and Sori are slightly shallower, Koshizori, Funbaritsuki, Sakihaba is thin and Small-Kissaki.
- 鍛Kitae
- 小板目肌つみ、小杢目・杢目肌交じり、地沸微塵に厚く付き、地景入り、乱れ映り立つ。Small-Itamehada-tsumi, Small-Mokume, Mixed Mokumehada, Jinie entered fine and thick, Chikei entered, Midare-Utsuritatsu.
- 刃文Hamon
- 小乱れに小丁子・互の目など交じり、湯走り・飛び焼き頻りに掛かり、足・葉頻りに入り、沸深くよくつき、金筋・稲妻・砂流しかかり、匂口明るく冴える。Small-Midare and Small-Chouji, mixed Gunome, Yubashiri, Tobiyaki-shikirinikakari, There are many Ashi and You, Deep Nie entered well, Kinsuji and Inaduma, Sunagashi-kakari, Nioikuchi is bright and clear.
- 帽子Boushi
- 直ぐに小丸、丸く返る。Suguni-Komaru, Maruku-kaeru
- 茎Nakago
- 磨上、先切、鑢目勝手下り、目釘孔三。Suriage, Sakikiri, Yasurime-kattesagari, Mekugiana are three(3).
- ハバキHabaki
- 金着二重。Double gold.
- 拵Sword mounitings
- 黒蝋色塗刻鞘打刀拵 [江戸時代]
長さ102.0cm 反り3.5cm
鐔 赤銅石目地敦盛図金覆輪、 縁頭 赤銅魚子地源平合戦図金色絵。 目貫 金無垢獅子図。
Kuro-rouiro-nuri(black wax painted scabbard) Kizamisaya Uchigatana Koshirae(Edo period)
Length: 102.0cm
Sori: 3.5cm
Tsuba: Syakudou Ishimeji Atsumorizu Kinpukurin
Fuchigashira: Syakudounanakoji Genpei Gassen(battle)zu Kiniroe
Menuki: Kinmuku Shishizu - 説明Drscription
- 利恒は、古備前の代表工正恒の門で、平安末期元暦頃に活躍したと伝え、京都国立博物館の重要文化財の太刀が有名である。本作は、腰反り踏ん張りつき、先伏せごころの平安時代の姿を呈し、小板目肌つみ、杢目交じり、地沸微塵に厚くつき、地景入り、乱れ映り立つ美しい地鉄に、小乱れ主調に、小丁子・小互の目交じり、湯走り・飛び焼き頻りに掛り、足・葉頻りに入り、金筋・砂流し頻りに掛るなど働き見所豊富で、匂口明るく冴え渡り、古雅で味わい深く、また頗る健全で覇気溢れる名刀である。Toshitsune is said to have been active at the gate of Masatsune, the representative craftsman of Kobizen, in the late Heian period, around Genryaku.
The Tachi(long sword), which is designated as an Juyo bunkazai at the Kyoto National Museum, is famous.
This sword has representing the appearance of the Heian period, Koshizori-Funbaritsuki, Sakifusegokoro, Small-Itamehada-tsumi, Mixed Mokume, Jinie entered fine and thick, Chikei entered, Midare-Utsuritatsu with beautiful Jigane, Small-Midare mainly, Small-Chouji, Mixed Small-Gunome, Yubashiri, Tobiyaki-shikirinikakari, There are many Ashi and You, There are many highlights of working, such as frequently. participating in Kinsuji and Sunagashi-shikirini-kakaru. Nioikuchi is bright and clear, Something ancient and very interesting, It is also a famous sword full of ambition and Kenzen.