刀 筑州福岡住宗勉作之  清麿写し大互の目に金筋砂流し頻りに掛り地刃明るく冴える傑作 二尺三寸六分
Mukansa Tosyo

Sou Tsutomu Katana


Katana Chikusyu Fukuoka jyu Sou Tsutomu saku, Kiyomaro copy Big-Gunome, Kinsuji and Sunagashi hangs over and over, Jiba is bright and clear, A masterpiece 71.5cm

¥1,200,000(tax included)
筑州福岡住宗勉作之 Chikusyu Fukuoka jyu Sou Tsutomu saku
Fukuoka 5/18/47(Showa)
1972 (47th Syouwa)

Hachou 71.5cm (二尺三寸六分) Sori 1.9cm
Moto-Haba 3.4cm Saki-Haba 2.4cm Moto-Kasane 0.66cm Shinogi-Thikess 0.70cm Saki-Kasane 0.58cm Kissaki-Chou 4.3cm Nakago-Chou 21.9cm Weight 753g

Shinogidukuri, Iorimune, Wide Mihaba, Deep Sori, Chu-Kissaki slightly extended.
Small-Itamehada-tsumi, Mixed small-Itamehada, Jinie entered fine and thick, Chikei entered frequently and finely, Iron is bright and clear.
Big-Gunome-Midare, Deep Nie entered frequently, Kinsuji, Niesuji and Sunagashi-kakari, Nioikuchi is bright and clear. Boushi is Midarekonde-Komaru.
Sou Tsutomu swordsman, whose name is Munekatsu, was born in Fukuoka in 1945. Received the special prize of, He studied under his father Sou Masamitsu in 1946, exhibited in a new masterpiece sword exhibition in 1955, received numerous special awards such as the Agency for Cultural Affairs Commissioner's Award and the Kunzan Award, and was certified as Mukansa in 1990. His style was based on his father's Samonji, Kotetsu's strong Nie, and Kinsuji and Sunagashi's well-worked Sosyu-den. He later challenged Kiyomaro, and was nicknamed "Kiyomaro no Mune". In his later years, he even challenged Echizen no Kami Sukehiro's Toran-ha and succeeded.His technique was so excellent that some swordsmiths made copies of Kiyomaro by Tsutomu Mune, and the signature was changed to Kiri-naoshi, or Kiyomaro of Juyo. He passed away in February 2015.
This sword has wide Mihaba 3.4cm, Deep Sori, It has a stately appearance that makes it a Kissaki Nobigokoro. Jinie entered fine and thick, Chikei entered finely and frequently with beautiful clear Jigane, Gorgeouse Big Gunome-Midare, Kinsuji and Sunagashi hangs over and over, It works well in sword, Nioikuchi is bright and clear, It a masterpiece of Kiyomaro copy.