保存刀装具 Hozon Tousougu
伊藤鍔 正義Ito Tsuba Masayoshi
No.530156銘 長州住正義 吹寄透鍔Cyosyu jyu Masayoshi Fukiyose Sukashi Tsuba
- 銘表Mei-Omote
- 長州住正義長州住正義 Cyosyu jyu Masayoshi
- 法量Size
縦 8.1cm 横 7.7cm 切羽台 0.4cm 重量 96.0g
Length 8.1cm Width 7.7cm Seppadai 0.4cm Weight 96.0g
- 国Country
- 長門Nagato
- 説明Drscription
- 竪丸形 鉄地 肉彫地透 象嵌 角耳小肉
初期とみられる正恒などには金を多用した平象嵌工法に糸透。後期と思える人たちには板鐔に各種の肉彫を施し色絵、小透、鋤出などの技術がみられる。この一門には、他派、他国者達との技術交流がみられ、特に長州との頻繁な人事と技術交流が推察でき、長州式の鋤出彫工法は伊藤派にも広く取り入られている。これらの人々は同名で武州住と長州住と銘を切った。正義もその一人である。Tatemarugata Tetsuji Nikuborijisukashi Zougan Kakumimikoniku
The Ito school was active as a tsuba specialist. The family line of the Ito school of Bushu is inherited by Masataka (Katsumi), the 10th head, with Masanaga in the Genroku period as the first generation. Among them, the second-generation Seigaki is excellent, and is a good craftsman who developed and perfected the construction method of the Ito school.
Ito Sukashi used the Hirazougan construction method, which used a lot of gold, for Masatsune, which is considered to be the early period.
Those who seem to be of the late period show various techniques such as Iroe, Kosukashi, Sukidashi, etc., in which various kinds of meat carvings are applied to the plate tsuba.
In this clan, technical exchanges with other schools and people from other countries can be seen, and in particular, frequent personnel and technical exchanges with Choshu can be inferred. These people were inscribed with the names Busyuju and Cyosyuju. Masayoshi is one of them.