重要刀剣Juyo Token
了久信 刀 Ryo Hisanobu Katana
No.642073刀 了久信 来国俊甥 初代信国親 格調高く味わい深い優品 二尺二寸三分Katana Ryo Hisanobu Rai Kunitoshi nephew The parent of the first generation Nobukuni. Excellent product 67.6cm
- 極めKiwame
- 了久信Ryo Hisanobu
- 登録証Registration
- 愛知県 Aichi 昭和63年7月14日 7/14/63(Showa)
- 法量Size
刃長 67.6cm (二尺二寸三分) 反り 1.1cm
元幅 2.9cm 先幅 1.7cm 元重 0.57cm 鎬厚 0.64cm 先重 0.41cm 鋒長 2.6cm 茎長 21.0cm 重量 613gHachou 67.6cm (二尺二寸三分) Sori 1.1cm
Moto-Haba 2.9cm Saki-Haba 1.7cm Moto-Kasane 0.57cm Shinogi-Thikess 0.64cm Saki-Kasane 0.41cm Kissaki-Chou 2.6cm Nakago-Chou 21.0cm Weight 613g - 国Country
- 山城Yamashiro
- 姿Shape
- 鎬造、庵棟、身幅尋常、反りやや浅く、腰反りつき、中鋒。Shinogidukuri, Iorimune, Standard Mihaba, Sori is slightly shallow, Koshizori-tsuki, Chu-Kissaki.
- 鍛Kitae
- 小板目肌つみ、板目・杢目肌交じり、地沸微塵につき、乱れ映りたつ。Small-Itamehada-tsumi, Itame and mixed Mokumehada, Jinie entered finely attached, Midare Utsuri-tatsu.
- 刃文Hamon
- 細直刃に、小足入り、小沸深くよくつき、匂深く、匂口明るい。Hososuguha, Small Ahi entered, Small-lie entered well often. Deep Nioi, Nioikuchi is bright.
- 帽子Boushi
- 直ぐに小丸、深く返る。Sugunikomaru, Deep Kaeru
- 茎Nakago
- 大磨上、先浅い栗尻、鑢目勝手下り、目釘孔二。Ohasuriage, Kurijiri with a shallow tip, Yasurimekattesagari, Mekugiana are 2.
- ハバキHabaki
- 金着二重。Double gold
- 説明Drscription
- 久信は、来国俊の門人で、来国俊の兄弟弟子初代了戒の子と伝え、俗名を九郎左衛門尉といい、久信の子には初代信国がいる。徳川美術館所蔵の薙刀の銘文に、「了戒子息久信作 徳治三年戌申十月六日」とあり、了戒の子であることとその制作年代は明白である。作風は、初代了戒と同じで、来国俊に近いが、匂口が締まって小沸つくものや、潤みごころのものがあり、鍛えはつんだ柾ごころで、白けがたつなどの特色がある。この刀は、身幅尋常、反りやや浅く、先細くなる鎌倉時代の優美な姿で、小板目肌がつんだ地鉄に、乱れ映りが立ち、直刃調に、小互の目交じり、匂深く、匂口明るく、格調高く、刃中も細かく働くなど、深い味わいを呈す優品である。Hisanobu was a disciple of Rai Kunitoshi and was said to be the son of Ryokai I, a brother disciple of Rai Kunitoshi, and his secular name was Kurouzaemonnojou, and Hisanobu's son was Nobukuni first.
The inscription on the Naginata in the collection of the Tokugawa Art Museum says, ``Ryokai's son Hisanobu, 10th month of the 3rd year of the Tokuji period, the 6th month of the Dog Monkey,'' making it clear that he was a child of Ryokai and that it was produced.
The style is the same as that of Ryokai I, and is close to that of Rai Kunitoshi. However , There are some with Nioikuchi shimaru, Small Nie-tsuku, Urumigokoro. Kitae is tsunda-masagokoro, There are characteristics such as Shirakegatatsu.
This sword has a standard Mihaba, a slightly shallow Sori, and tapered, graceful appearance from the Kamakura period.
It is an excellent product with a deep taste. Small-Itamehada-tsunda Jigane, Midare-utsuritachi, Suguha style, Mixed Small-gnome, Nioikuchi is bright, Deep Nioi.such as high dignity and fine work in the middle of the blade.