人間国宝 隅谷正峯 福岡一文字磨上写し 華やかな丁子乱れ身幅3.5cm1kg超豪壮傑作刀 二尺六寸三分
Ningen Kokuhou (living national treasure)

Sumitani Masamine(Seihou) Tachi


Ningen Kokuhou(living national treasure) Sumitani Masamine(Seihou) Copy of Fukuoka Ichimonji Suriage Gorgeous Chouji-Midare Wide Mihaba 3.5cm 1kg Super magnificent masterpiece 79.6cm


加賀国住正峯於傘笠亭作之 思飛鎌倉期漂一文字上 Kagakuni jyu Masamine(Seihou) 於 Sanryutei Sakuyuki Kamakuraki no Ichimonji Suriage ni Omoiwotobasu
昭和丙午年二月 Syouwa Hinoeumadoshi February
Oita 5/9/41(Showa)

Hachou 79.6cm (二尺六寸三分) Sori 3.6cm
Moto-Haba 3.5cm Saki-Haba 2.5cm Moto-Kasane 0.77cm Shinogi-Thikess 0.85cm Saki-Kasane 0.50cm Kissaki-Chou 3.7cm Nakago-Chou 22.3cm Weight 1,037g

Shinogidukuri, Iorimune, Wide Mihaba , Wide Sakihaba, Deep Sori, Chu-Kissaki-tsumarigokoro.
Small-Itamehada, Mixed Small-Mokume, Jinie and Chikei entered finely well, Iron is clear.
Gunome, Choujiba, Mixed Juuka-style Chouji, Long Ashi entered well, You entered, Nioideki, Nie entered well, Nioikuchi is bright.
Ubu Ohsuriage style, Sakikurijiri, Yasurimekattesagari-Kesyou, Mekugiana are two(2)
High-quality gold-clad single layer Tachi
Masamine(Seihou) was born in Ishikawa Prefecture in 1914. His real name is Yoichiro Sumiya. After graduating from Ritsumeikan University, he studied under Masayuki Sakurai, a swordsmith, and in 1932 entered the Kokoku Japanese Sword Forging Shop in Hiroshima Prefecture. After the war, in 1955, he set up a training center 'Sanryutei' in his hometown, also calling himself Kasasasatei, Kasagasa, and Ryoyamako. The following year, in 1956, he won prizes at the New Sword Exhibition for eight years in a row, and in 1941 and 1942, he was honored with the Masamune Prize, becoming a swordsmith without inspection. receive property designation. In 1998, he died at the age of seventy-seven. Major works include Ise Jingu Shikinen Sengu Sacred Treasure Sword (1964), Ise Jingu Shikinen Sengu Sacred Treasure 16 Swords (1969), Ise Jingu Shikinen Sengu Sacred Treasure 16 Swords (1964) 1989), as well as the protective swords of the Crown Princess and Princess Mako of Akishinonomiya. He studied sword techniques from the Asuka and Nara periods to the present day, and was especially good at Ichimonji, Osafune Nagamitsu, and Aoe during the Kamakura period.
This sword was made in 1966, when Masamine(Seihou) was most enthusiastic when he won the Masamune Prize. with a length of 79.6cm, Deep Sori, Wide Mihaba 3,5cm, a weight of more than 1kg, a Wide Sakihaba, Kissaki-Tsumarigokoro Ikubi-style of the mid-Kamakura period.Nakago is made in the style of Ohsuriage, Mekugiana are 2, In addition, Nakagojiri is marked with holes, It will be an elaborate work aiming for Fukuoka Ichimonji in the mid-Kamakura period, reproducing even the decayed traces. Mixed Small-Mokume-hada, Beautiful Chikei woven with Small-Itamehada. Midare-Utsuritachi, It is a masterpiece sword that beautifully burns the long Choujiba of Juka-style Ashi.1965 Accompanied by a certificate of receipt of the deposit.
隅谷正峯  太刀 人間国宝