刀 之定初期銘 兼定作  鎬まで掛る華やかな互の目丁子金筋掛り地刃明るく冴える最高傑作 時代拵付 仙石家伝来 二尺三寸九分
Tokubetsuhozon Token

Kanesada Katana


Nosada Syokimei(initial name) Kanesada-saku A gorgeous Gunomechouji that hangs up to Shinogi Kinsuji-kakari Jiba is bright and clear A Masterpiece Jidai-Koshirae handed down from the Sengoku family 72.4cm


兼定作 Kanesada-saku
Ishikawa 6/22/2(Reiwa)
Muromachi period, Meio period

Hachou 72.4cm (二尺三寸九分) Sori 1.5cm
Moto-Haba 3.2cm Saki-Haba 2.3cm Moto-Kasane 0.55cm Shinogi-Thikess 0.68cm Saki-Kasane 0.5cm Kissaki-Chou 4.8cm Nakago-Chou 22.1cm Weight 733g

Shinogidukuri, Iorimune, Wide Mihaba, Standard Sori, Sakizori-tsuki, Chu-Kissaki extended.
Itamehada-tsumi, Mokume and mixed Nagarehada, Jinie entered thick, Utsuritachi, Iron is clear.
It has a wide Yakihaba Big-Gunome, Choujiba and mixed Togariba, Yubashiri, Tobiyaki-kakari, Ashi entered well, There are many deep Nie, Kinsuji, Niesuji and sunagashi-kakari, Nioikuchi is bright and clear.
Ubu, Shallow Kurijiri, Yasurime-Takanoha, Mekugiana are 2.
Double gold
Sword mounitings
Shuishimejinurisaya uchigatanakoshirae Edo
Length: 100cm
Tsuba: Tetsuji Akikusanitukizu Kinginiroe
Fuchigashira: Tetsuji saayagatazu Kamon Chikashi Kiniroe
Menuki: Kinmuku Kiri Sansouzu
Izuminokami Kanesada is said to be the flow of the Shidu faction, and his name is Kichiuemonnojou, and he was born as a child of the first Kanesada.From around the last year of the Meiō era (1500), the inside of Ukanmuri, which is a fixed form, is cut into a cursive script as "之" instead of " 疋", so it is commonly called "Nosada".He received Izuminokami in the second year of Eisho. Together with MagorokuKanemoto, he is a master craftsman representing Suekotou who will become SaijouOowazamono in Saijousaku. 
This sword is thought to have been made in the Meio era, which is the early inscription.Wide Mihaba, Kissaki-nobigokoro and a graceful figure with a thick Jinie.
Nie-utsuri is vividly Utsuritatsu-Jigane, On the Gunome that hangs near Shinogi,Choujiba, Togariba, and mixed Tobiyaki , gorgeous Midare, Kinsuji sunagashi-shikirinikakaru, it works well in the sword. Jiba is bright and clear that outstanding work.Sengoku family's Eiraku Tsuho crest on Kashira,"No pattern on the circle" is entered in fuchi,Comes with Uchigatanagoshirae with Kiri-sansou Kinmuku-Menuki. The Eiraku Tsuho crest, the Sengoku family crest, was given to Hidehisa Sengoku by Nobunaga Oda.
Maru ni no crest' started to be used when he joined Umajirushi in attacking Odawara, even though he was changed by Hideyoshi due to the crushing defeat in the Kyushu Conquest.
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