義弘 刀Yoshihiro Katana
No.750685相模国正宗末葉義弘作 文政庚辰首冬 尽忠報国 正宗写し沸美しく輝き匂沸深い最高傑作 時代朱塗鞘打刀拵付 二尺二寸七分Sagaminokuni Masamune Matsuyou Yoshihiro-saku Bunsei Kotatsukubi winter Jinchu-Houkoku Masamune copy A masterpiece Beautiful Nie shinning, Deep Nie-Nioi entered, With Jidai-Syu-nurisaya Uchigatana Koshirae (Period Vermilion lacquered scabbard with Uchikatana Koshirae) 68.7cm
- 銘表Mei-Omote
- 相模国正宗末葉義弘作 相模国正宗末葉義弘作 Sagaminokuni Masamune Matsuyou Yoshihiro-saku
- 登録証Registration
- 大阪府 Osaka 昭和28年6月20日 6/20/28(Showa)
- 時代Period
- 江戸時代後期Late Edo period
- 法量Size
刃長 68.7cm (二尺二寸七分) 反り 1.5cm
元幅 3.2cm 先幅 2.3cm 元重 0.77cm 鎬厚 0.78cm 先重 0.69cm 鋒長 4.0cm 茎長 22.2cm 重量 961gHachou 68.7cm (二尺二寸七分) Sori 1.5cm
Moto-Haba 3.2cm Saki-Haba 2.3cm Moto-Kasane 0.77cm Shinogi-Thikess 0.78cm Saki-Kasane 0.69cm Kissaki-Chou 4.0cm Nakago-Chou 22.2cm Weight 961g - 国Country
- 相模Sagami
- 姿Shape
- 鎬造、庵棟、身幅広く、重ね厚く、先幅広く、中鋒やや延びる。Shinogidukuri, Iorimune, Wide Mihaba, Thick Kasane, Wide Sakihaba, Chu-Kissaki slightly extended.
- 鍛Kitae
- 板目肌つみ、杢目・流れ肌交り、地沸厚くつき、地景頻りに入る。ITamehada-tsumi, Mokume, Mixed Nagarehada, Jinie entered thickly, Chikei often entered.
- 刃文Hamon
- のたれて、互の目に、丁子刃交じり、湯走り・飛び焼き頻りに掛かり、足・葉頻りに入り、沸深くよくつき、金筋幾重にも頻りに掛り、砂流し頻りに掛かり、匂深く、匂口明るく冴える。Notarete, Gunome, Mixed Choujiba, Yubashiri, Tobiyaki-shikirini-kakari, There are many Ashi and You, Deep Nie entered often, Kinsuji hangs over and over. Sunagashi-shikirinikakari, Deep Nioi, Nioikuchi is bright and clear.
- 帽子Boushi
- のたれ込んで、先掃きかけて返る。Notarekonde-Sakihakikakete-Kaeru
- 茎Nakago
- 生ぶ、先入山形、鑢目浅い勝手下り、目釘孔二。Ubu, Sakiiriyamagata, Shallow Yasurime-Kattesagari, Mekugiana are two(2)
- ハバキHabaki
- 銀着一重。Single layer silver jacket.
- 拵Sword mounitings
- 朱漆石目地塗蛭巻刻鞘打刀拵[江戸時代]
長さ101.0cm 反り4.3cm
鐔 鉄地尽忠報国木瓜形、 縁頭 鉄磨地。 目貫 赤銅地梔子図金色絵。 小柄・笄 鉄地金色絵。 茎の銘と鍔の彫に「尽忠報国」の文字が入る作刀時の貴重な拵。Syu-Urushi Ishimeji Nuri Hirumaki Kizamisaya Uchigatana Koshirae (Edo period)
Tsuba: Tetsuji Jinchu Houkoku Mokkougata
Fuchigashira: Tetsu Migakiji
Menuki: Syakudouji Kuchinashizu Kiniroe
Koduka/Kougai: Tetsuji Kiniroe
A valuable Koshirae from when the sword was made, with the inscription "Nakago" and the words "Jinchu Houkoku" carved into the tsuba. - 説明Drscription
- 一貫斎義弘は、名を鈴木蔵人といい、寛政九年駿河に生まれ、その銘が示すように、郷義弘に私淑して所謂まぜ鉄の肌物鍛を創出した。初め伊豆代官江川太郎左衛門に仕え、後に水戸で則重の末孫四代則利に則重伝の鍛法を学んだ。天保五年頃、前橋藩松平家に抱えられ、以後は前橋と江戸を行き来して鍛刀している。慶応元年64歳没。この刀は、3.2cmと身幅広く、重ね厚く、重量も1kgに迫る豪壮な姿で、板目肌に杢目・流れ肌交じり、地沸が厚く付き、地景が頻りに入る美しい地鉄に、湯走り・飛び焼き頻りに掛かり、足・葉頻りに入り、金筋幾重にも長く頻りにかかるなど刃中見事に働き、匂沸深く、沸美しく輝き、地刃明るく冴え渡る。正宗の末葉を名乗る義弘の最高傑作で、健全で正宗の作刀時の姿を見るような見事な出来である。Yoshihiro Ikkansai, whose name was Kurando Suzuki, was born in Suruga in the 9th year of the Kansei era, and as his name suggests, he created the so-called Hadamono-Kitae of Maze-tetsu in favor of Go Yoshihiro.At first, he served Izu governor Tarozaemon Egawa, and later in Mito, he learned the martial arts of Norishige from Noritoshi, the fourth descendant of Norishige.Around the 5th year of Tenpō, he was taken in by the Matsudaira family of the Maebashi clan, and since then he has been making swords by going back and forth between Maebashi and Edo. He died at the age of 64 in the first year of Keio.
This sword has wide 3.2cm Mihaba, Thick Kasane, With a magnificent figure weighing almost 1kg, Itamehada, Mokume and Mixed Nagarehada, Jinie entered thickly, Chikei entered finely beautiful Jigane, Yubashiri, Tobiyaki-shikirinikakari, There are many Ashi and You, Kinsuji hangs over and over, It works well in sword, Deep Nie-Nioi, Beautiful shining Nie, Jiba is bright and clear.
It is the masterpiece of Yoshihiro, who calls himself Masamune's Sueha, and it is a masterpiece that makes you feel as if you can see Masamune making the sword in Kenzen.