刀 備州長船祐定 永禄十年二月日 乱れ映りたち肌立つ地鉄に小足金筋頻りに掛る直刃調傑作 二尺一寸九分
Tokubetsuhozon Token

Sukesada Katana


Katana Bisyu Osafune Sukesada Eiroku 10th February MidareUtsuritachi Hadatachi There are Small-Ashi in Jigane Kinsuji-shikirini-kakaru Suguha-style A masterpiece 66.3cm

¥1,250,000(tax included)
備州長船祐定 Bisyu Osafune Sukesada
永禄十年二月日 Eiroku 10th February
Miyagi 11/16/24(Heisei)
Late Muromachi

Hachou 66.3cm (二尺一寸九分) Sori 2.4cm
Moto-Haba 3.2cm Saki-Haba 2.1cm Moto-Kasane 0.70cm Shinogi-Thikess 0.80cm Saki-Kasane 0.53cm Kissaki-Chou 3.7cm Nakago-Chou 18.9cm Weight 805g

Shinogidukuri, Iorimune, Wide Mihaba, Deep Sori, Chu-Kissaki slightly extended
Itamehada, Mixed Mokumehada, Jinie entered finely and thick, Chikei entered well, MidareUtsuritachi, Iron is bright and clear
Hiro-suguha-style, Small-Gunome, Mixed Small-Chouji, Yubashiri, Tobiyaki and Nijuba-kakari, There are many Ashi and You, Nioideki, Small-Nietsuki, Kinsuji and Sunagashi shikirini-kakari, Nioikuchi is bright and clear
Deep Yaki, Midarekonde-Komaru, Sakihaki-kakeru
Ubu, Sakikurijiri, Yasurime-kattesagari, Mekugiana is one(1)
Silver-clad double
In 1391(Meitoku 2nd), at the end of the Nanbokucho period, the first sword made with the signature Yusada can be seen.The most prosperous family of Osafune blacksmiths in the late Muromachi period, later called Suebizen, was good at Hikobenojo, Yosazaemonnojo, and Genbenojo.Around the Eiroku period, Genbenojo was active.
This sword is wide Mihaba 3.2cm, Weight is over 800g, with a magnificent figure with a deeply Sori Karate-uchi. Itamehada, Mixed Mokumehada, Jinie entered finely and thickly, Midare-Utsuritatsu, Hadatatsu-Jigane is bright and clear. Hiro-suguha, Small-Gunome, Mixed Small-Chouji, Yubashiri, Tobiyaki and Nijuba-kakari. There are many Ashi and You, Kinsuji and Sunagashi-shikirinikakaru. It works good in sword. Nioikuchi is bright and clear.
It is similar to the inscription with the secular name of Genbeinojo Sukesada, who is reference, and it is an extremely sound masterpiece sword made by Genbeinojo in the area of work.

Eiroku 10th year event:Oda Nobunaga conquered Mino after the Battle of Inabayama Castle. Sanada Yukimura and Date Masamune are born.
祐定 刀 特別保存刀剣