太刀 内外特別保存 荘司次郎太郎藤原直勝 嘉永六年 勝虫散蒔絵鞘太刀拵 金筋頻りに掛る華やかな丁子乱れ最高傑作 二尺三寸五分
Both the sword and the Koshirae are Tokubetsuhozon Token

Syouji-Jiro-Taro Fujiwara Naokatsu Tachi


Tachi Both the sword and the Koshirae are Tokubetsuhozon Token Syouji-Jiro-Taro-Fujiwara Naokatsu 6 year Kaei Kachimushi Chirashi Makie Saya-Tachi-Koshirae Kinsuji-shikirinikakaru Gorgeouse Chouji-Midare A masterpiece 71.2cm

¥3,000,000(tax included)
荘司次郎太郎藤原直勝  Syouji-Jiro-Taro Fujiwara Naokatsu
嘉永六丑年十二月 於越後州荘瀬造之 Kaei 6year Ushidoshi December Okeru Echigonosyu Syouse ni Site Kore Wo Tsukuru
Tochigi 2/19/62
Late Edo period

Hachou 71.2cm Sori 1.8cm
Moto-Haba 3.1cm Saki-Haba 2.2cm Moto-Kasane 0.50cm Shinogi-Thikess 0.68cm Saki-Kasane 0.52cm Kissaki-Chou 4.2cm Nakago-Chou 21.0cm Weight 737g

Shinogidukuri, Iorimune, Wide Mihaba, Deep Sori, High Shinogi, Chu-Kissaki slightly extended.
Small-Itamehada-tsumi, Mixed Small-Mokume-hada, Jinie entered fine and thick, Chikei entered sincerly, Iron is bright and clear.
Chouji, Mixed Gunome,It hangs on the fine Tobiyaki,There are many Ashi and You long, Small-Nie entered well, Kinsuji and Sunagashi-shikirinikakari, Nioikuchi is bright and clear.
Ubu, Sakikurijiri, Yasurimesujikai-kesyou, Mekugiana is one(1)
Solid silver single layer gold inlay
Sword mounitings
Koshirae: Nihon-BijutsuToken-Hozonk Kyokai (NBTHK)Tokubetsuhozon Tousougu
Kachimushi Chirashi-MakieSaya Kaga-Zougan Kanagu TachiKoshirae(Edo era)



Tsuba: Syakudou-Migakiji Inome-Kensaki Sukashi

Total Metal fitting: Syakudou-Migakiji Kinzougan

Menuki: Kinmuku Two lions
Jirotaro Naokatsu was a samurai of the Akimoto family of the Joshu Tatebayashi clan, who became a disciple of Taikei Naotane and was later adopted. He lived in Shitaya, Edo, and called himself Taro Kazusa at first, later calling himself Jirotaro. He passed away in the 5th year of Ansei, the year after his father Naotane died. Naokatsu was a member of the Suishinshi clan, and was the second most influential person after Naotane and Masayoshi, and there are some Bizenden that show the style of Kagemitsu and Kanemitsu in the old works, even better than Naotane.
This  sword has wide Mihaba, Deep Sori, With the dignified and neat figure of Chu-Kissaki-nobigokoro, Small-Itamehada-tsumi, Mixed Small-Mokumehada, Jinie entered fine and thick, Chikei entered finely, Faintry-Utsuritatsu Bright and clear Jigane, There are long Ashi and You Gorgeous Chouji-Midare-yaki, Finely Tobiyaki-shikirinikakari, Small-Nie entered well, Kinsuji-shikirinikakari, Nioikuchi is bright and clear. Finely Tobiyaki-shikirinikakari, Small-Nie-tsuki well, Kinsuji-shikirinikakari, Nioikuchi is bright and clear. Jiba is bright and clear. It works well in sword,It is a masterpiece that shows the high level of Naokatsu's skill.The accompanying TachiKoshirae is also a masterpiece from that time.
 荘司次郎太郎藤原直勝 太刀 内外特別保存  荘司次郎太郎藤原直勝 太刀 内外特別保存