新作日本刀証明証 Shinsaku-Nihontou-Syoumeisyo(New Japanese sword certificate)
大野義光 短刀Ohno Yoshimitsu Tanto
No.733778短刀 新作日本刀証明証 現代刀最高人気刀匠 大野義光 保昌写し柾目鍛傑作短刀 八寸六分Tanto Shinsaku-Nihontou-shoumeisyo(New Japanese sword certificate), The most popular modern swordsmith Ohno Yoshimitsu Hosyo copy Masame-Kitae a masterpiece Tanto 26.2cm
- 銘表Mei-Omote
- 義光作義光作 Yoshimitsu-saku
- 登録証Registration
- 埼玉県 Saitama 令和1年7月5日 7/5/1(Reiwa)
- 時代Period
- 昭和Syowa
- 法量Size
刃長 26.2cm (八寸六分) 反り 内反り 元重 0.74cm 茎長 11.2cm 重量 197
Hachou 26.2cm (八寸六分) Sori 内反り Moto-Kasane 0.74cm Nakago-Chou 11.2cm Weight 197
- 姿Shape
- 平造、庵棟、身幅広く、先幅尋常、内反り。Hiradukuri, Iorimune, Wide Mihaba, Standard Sakihaba, Uchizori.
- 鍛Kitae
- 柾目肌つみ、地沸微塵につき、地景細かくよく入り、淡く映り立つ。Masamehada-tsumi, Jinie entered finely, Chikei entered finely, Faintly Utsuritatsu
- 刃文Hamon
- 中直刃、ほつれ掛り、湯走り掛り、小沸つき、金筋掛り、匂口締まりごころに明るい。Chu-Suguha, Hotsure-kakari, Yubashiri-kakari, Konie entered, Kinsuji-kakari, Nioikuchi-shimarigokoro is bright.
- 帽子Boushi
- 直ぐに小丸、金筋掛り、先掃きかける。Suguni-komaru, Kinsuji-kakari, Sakihakikakeru.
- 茎Nakago
- 生ぶ、先栗尻、鑢目勝手下り、目釘孔一。Ubu, Sakikurijiri, Yasurimekattesagari, Mekugiana is one(1)
- ハバキHabaki
- 銅一重Single copper
- 説明Drscription
- 大野義光刀匠は、名を吉川三男といい、昭和23年新潟県生まれ、昭和四十四年より吉原義人刀匠に師事、昭和五十年文化庁より美術刀剣類制作承認を受ける。その年の新作名刀展に初出品して奨励賞を受賞、以来、高松宮賞・文化庁長官賞など数々の賞を受賞、昭和59年には伊勢神宮第61回式年遷宮の御神刀を謹作、山鳥毛写しを完成、昭和62年に無鑑査に認定。平成6年には岡山に桑野刀剣鍛練場を設立。平成18年伊勢神宮第62回式年遷宮の御神刀二口を製作、平成24年には葛飾区指定無形文化財に指定される。作風は一文字を追求した大野丁子と呼ばれる華やかな重花丁字、そして有名な山鳥毛写し、誰もが成し得なかった匂口を完成させている。まさに明治以降における現代刀匠屈指の名工で最も人気のある刀工である。
この刀は、身幅尋常な無反りの鎌倉後期の短刀の姿で、柾目肌がつみ、地沸が微塵に付き、地景細かく入り、淡く映り立つ精良な地鉄に、匂口締まりごころの中直刃を焼き、金筋掛るなど刃中働き、匂口明るく冴え、保昌を写して成功している。令和元年に為銘を消したため、登録証は新しくなっています。Yoshimitsu Ohno, whose name is Mitsuo Yoshikawa, was born in Niigata Prefecture in 1948, studied under Yoshihito Yoshihara since 1969, and received approval for the production of art swords from the Agency for Cultural Affairs in 1975.
He exhibited for the first time at the New Masterpiece Sword Exhibition that year and received an Encouragement Award. Since then, he has received numerous awards such as the Takamatsunomiya Award and the Commissioner for Cultural Affairs Award. Respectfully completed Yamatorige copy, certified as non-inspected in 1987. In 1994, he established the Kuwano sword training studio in Okayama.
In 2006, he produced two sacred swords for the 62nd Shikinen Sengu at Ise Jingu, and in 2012, he was designated as an intangible cultural asset by Katsushika Ward. His style is a gorgeous Juka-chouji called Ohno-chouji, which pursues Ichimonji, and famous Yamatorige copying, completing Nioikuchi that no one has been able to achieve. He is truly one of the best and most popular modern swordsmiths since the Meiji era.
This sword has the appearance of a short sword from the late Kamakura period, with a standard Mihaba and Muzori(no warp). Masamehada-tsumi,Jinie entered finely, Chikei entered sincerely, Faintly Utsuritatsu a good Jigane, Nioikuchi-shimarigokoro Chu-Suguha-yaki, Kinsuji-kakaru , It works well in sword, Nioikuchi is bright and clear, Successfully Hosyo copy, Since the name was removed in 2019, the registration certificate is new.