特別保存刀剣 Tokusuhozon Token
初代 忠吉 脇差The first Tadayoshi Wakizashi
No.759821初代 肥前国住忠吉作 最上作 愛知大名登録 湯走り頻りに掛り覇気溢れ地刃冴える傑作 一尺九寸一分The first Hizennokuni jyu Tadayoshi's best work Aichi Daimyo registration Yubashiri shikirinikakari, Jiba is a masterpiece full of ambition 57.5cm
- 銘表Mei-Omote
- 肥前国住忠吉作肥前国住忠吉作 Hizennokuni jyu Tadayoshi saku
- 登録証Registration
- 愛知県 Aichi 昭和28年4月28日 4/28/28(Showa)
- 法量Size
刃長 57.5cm (一尺九寸一分) 反り 1.4cm
元幅 3.0cm 先幅 2.2cm 元重 0.60cm 鎬厚 0.70cm 先重 0.50cm 鋒長 3.8cm 茎長 14.3cm 重量 582gHachou 57.5cm (一尺九寸一分) Sori 1.4cm
Moto-Haba 3.0cm Saki-Haba 2.2cm Moto-Kasane 0.60cm Shinogi-Thikess 0.70cm Saki-Kasane 0.50cm Kissaki-Chou 3.8cm Nakago-Chou 14.3cm Weight 582g - 国Country
- 肥前Hizen
- 姿Shape
- 鎬造、庵棟、身幅広く、反りやや深く、中鋒やや延びる。Shinogidukuri, Iorimune, Wide Mihaba, Deep Sori, Chukissaki slightly extended.
- 鍛Kitae
- 小杢目肌つみ、杢目肌交じり、地沸微塵につき、地景細かく頻りに入り、鉄冴えるSmall Mokumehada-tsumi, Mixed Mokumehada, Jinie fine and thick, Chikei often entered , Iron is clear.
- 刃文Hamon
- 直刃調に、小乱れ交じり、湯走り・飛び焼き頻りに掛り、足・葉よく入り、小沸深くよくつき、沸筋・砂流し掛り、匂深く、匂口明るく冴える。Suguha style, Mixed Small-midaire, Yubashiri Tobiyaki shikirinikakari, There are many Ashi and You. Deep small Nie often, Niesuji , Sunagashi kakari, Deep Nioi, Nioikuchi is bright and clear.
- 帽子Boushi
- 頻りに掃き掛けて小丸。Shikirini-hakikakete-komaru
- 茎Nakago
- 生ぶ、先栗尻、鑢目切、目釘孔二。Ubu, Sakikurijiri, Yasurimegiri, Mekugiana are two(2)
- ハバキHabaki
- 金着二重。Double gold.
- 説明Drscription
- 初代忠吉は、新刀期を代表する刀工で、名を橋本新左衛門と称した。橋本家は、龍造寺氏に仕える武士であったが、祖父の盛弘と父の道弘は天正12年島原での沖田畷の戦いの際に討死し、忠吉はまだ13歳であったため、家は断絶した。このため一家は刀匠に転身し、十二年後の慶長元年に藩命により一門の宗長と共に、京の埋忠明寿の門に入り、忠吉は鍛刀、宗長は彫技を学んだ。同三年帰国し、佐賀城下に住して鍋島家の庇護のもと大いに栄えた。寛永元年に、武蔵大掾を受領、忠吉の名を土佐守に譲り、自らは忠広と改めている。寛永九年没。この刀は、名振りから元和頃と思われる作で、この時期は忠吉の生涯で最も充実し優れたものが多い時代である。身幅広く、先幅も広く、長さも一尺九寸の大脇差で、小杢目肌つみ、杢目交じり、地沸微塵に付き、地景細かく入り、冴えた美しい地鉄に、直刃調に小乱れ交じり、湯走り・飛び焼き頻りに掛り、足・葉よく入り、小沸深くよくつき、匂深く、匂口明るく冴え、覇気溢れ、出来が良い。頗る健全で、茎も綺麗で、銘は鏨枕残る。The first Tadayoshi was a swordsmith representing the new sword era, and his name was Hashimoto Shinzaemon. The Hashimoto family was a samurai who served Ryuzoji, but his grandfather Morihiro and his father Michihiro died during the Battle of Okitanawate in Shimabara in the 12th year of the Tensho era, and Tadayoshi was only 13 years old. Has ceased. For this reason, the family turned into a swordsmith, and in the first year of Keicho 12 years later, he entered the gate of Umetada Akitoshi in Kyoto with Munenaga, who was a clan, and Tadayoshi learned swords and Munenaga learned carving techniques. After returning to Japan in the same year, he lived in Saga Castle and prospered greatly under the patronage of the Nabeshima clan. In the first year of Kanei, he received Musashidaijou, handed over the name of Tadayoshi to Tosamori, and changed himself to Tadahiro. He died in the 9th year of Kanei.
This sword is a work that seems to be around Genwa from the name, and this period is the time when many of the most fulfilling and excellent swords in Tadayoshi's life. Mihaba Wide, Wide Sakihaba, 57.5 cm long Ohwakizashi, small Mokumehada-tsumi, Mixed Mokume, Jinie fine and thick, Chikei fine and clear Jitetsu, Suguha style mixed small midare, Yubashiri, Tobiyaki-shikirinikakari There are many Ashi and You, Konie often Deep Nie, Nioikuchi is bright and clear, full of ambition, good work. It's Kenzen, and Nakago is beautiful, and the inscription remains Taganemakura.