保存刀剣 Hozon Token
宗勉 脇差SouTsutomu Wakizashi
No.970888筑州住宗勉作之 平成五年正月日 無鑑査刀匠 清麿写し 沸美しく付き金筋頻りに掛る最高傑作 一尺八寸三分Chikusyuu-jyu SouTsutomu Korewo Tsukuru New Year's Day 1993 Mukansa Toshou Kiyomaro-Utsushi Beautiful Nie-tsuki Kinsuji-shikirinikakaru A masterpiece 55.3cm
- 銘表Mei-Omote
- 筑州住宗勉作之 筑州住宗勉作之 Chikusyuu-jyu SouTsutomu Korewo Tsukuru
- 裏銘Ura-mei
- 平成五年正月日 平成五年正月日 New Year's Day 1993
- 登録証Registration
- 福岡県 Fukuoka 平成31年2月21日 2/21/31(Heisei)
- 法量Size
刃長 55.3cm (一尺八寸三分) 反り 1.1cm
元幅 3.6cm 先幅 2.9cm 元重 0.67cm 鎬厚 0.77cm 先重 0.68cm 鋒長 4.9cm 茎長 17.2cm 重量 831gHachou 55.3cm (一尺八寸三分) Sori 1.1cm
Moto-Haba 3.6cm Saki-Haba 2.9cm Moto-Kasane 0.67cm Shinogi-Thikess 0.77cm Saki-Kasane 0.68cm Kissaki-Chou 4.9cm Nakago-Chou 17.2cm Weight 831g - 姿Shape
- 鎬造、庵棟、身幅広く、先幅広く、反り尋常、大鋒。Shinogidukuri, Iorimune, Wide Mihaba and, Sakihaba, Standard Sori, Oh-Kissaki
- 鍛Kitae
- 小杢目肌つみ、地沸厚くつき、地景頻りに入り、鉄明るく冴える。Small-Mokumehada-tsumi, Jinie entered thick. Chikei Frequently enters, Iron is bright and clear.
- 刃文Hamon
- 丁子乱れに、互の目・重花風の丁子交じり、湯走り掛り、足・葉頻りに入り、沸深くよくつき、粗めの沸を交え、金筋長く幾重にも掛り、沸筋・砂流し頻りに掛り、匂口明るく冴える。Choujimidare, Gunome, Juuka style Mixed Chouji, Yubashiri-kakari, Ashi and you frequently enters, Deep Nie fine, With coarse Nie, Long Kinsuji many layers, and Niesuji , sunagashi-shikirinikakari, Nioikuchi is bright and clear.
- 帽子Boushi
- 金筋頻りに掛り、乱れ込んで尖って返る。Kinsuji-shikirinikakari, Midarekonde-togattekaeru
- 茎Nakago
- 生ぶ、先栗尻、鑢目勝手下り、目釘孔一。Ubu, Sakikurijiri, Yasurimekattesagari, Mekugiana is 1.
- ハバキHabaki
- 金着二重。Double gold
- 説明Drscription
- 宗勉刀匠は、名を宗勝といい、昭和2年に福岡に生まれ、昭和21年より父の宗正光に師事、昭和30年より新作名刀展に出品、文化庁長官賞、薫山賞など数多くの特賞を受賞し、平成2年には無鑑査に認定される。作風は、父の目指した左文字、虎徹を範として沸の強く、金筋・砂流しのよく働いた相州伝を踏襲、その後清麿に挑戦し、「清麿の宗」と異名をとるほどになり、さらに晩年には越前守助広の濤欄刃にも挑戦し成功している。その技術は秀逸で、宗勉刀匠の清麿写しが銘を切り直し、重要の清麿になっているという話もある。平成27年2月没。この刀は、身幅3.6㎝もあり先幅も2.9cmと広く、大鋒となる南北朝時代の太刀を磨上げた清麿によく見る姿で、板目肌つみ、柾目肌交じり、地沸厚くつき、地景長く入る冴えた地鉄に、華やかな丁子刃に、湯走り・飛び焼き掛り、足長くよく入り、沸深くよくつき、金筋長く幾重にも頻りに掛り、匂口明るく冴える。宗勉刀匠の大後援者の注文打ちとなる清麿写し最高傑作である。Sou Tsutomu swordsman, whose name is Munekatsu, was born in Fukuoka in 1945. Received the special prize of, He studied under his father Sou Masamitsu in 1946, exhibited in a new masterpiece sword exhibition in 1955, received numerous special awards such as the Agency for Cultural Affairs Commissioner's Award and the Kunzan Award, and was certified as Mukansa in 1990. His style was based on his father's Samonji, Kotetsu's strong Nie, and Kinsuji and Sunagashi's well-worked Sosyu-den. He later challenged Kiyomaro, and was nicknamed "Kiyomaro no Mune". In his later years, he even challenged Echizen no Kami Sukehiro's Toran-ha and succeeded.His technique was so excellent that some swordsmiths made copies of Kiyomaro by Tsutomu Mune, and the signature was changed to Kiri-naoshi, or Kiyomaro of Juyo. He passed away in February 2015.
This sword has a width of 3.6cm and Sakihaba of 2.9cm. It is a figure that is often seen in Kiyomaru who polished Tachi of Nanbokuchou era, which becomes Oh-Kissaki.Itamehada-tsumi, Mixed Masamehada, Jinie entered fine, Chikei a long and clear Jitetsu, a gorgeous Choujiba, Yubashiri, Tobiyakikakari, Ashi it goes in well for long, Deep Nie entered well. Kinsuji it hangs many times for a long time, and Nioikuchi is bright and clear.Sou Tsutomu This is a masterpiece of Kiyomaru's copy, which is ordered by a great supporter of the swordsmith.