特別保存刀装具 Tokubetsuhozon Tousougu
勘四郎 鍔Kanshirou Tsuba
No.354973勘四郎 窓桐透鍔Kanshirou Madokiri Sukashi Tsuba
- 極めKiwame
- 勘四郎Kanshirou
- 法量Size
縦 7.7cm 横 75.7cm 切羽台 0.6cm 重量 114.0g
Length 7.7cm Width 75.7cm Seppadai 0.6cm Weight 114.0g
- 国Country
- 肥後Higo
- 説明Drscription
- 菊花形 鉄地 地透 毛彫 丸耳
初期の作は、林派に比べて鐔の造込がいびつに崩れた感じで不釣合なものがあり、これがその作柄に勘四郎独自の雅趣を添えている。手法も全体に優美さが見られ、ゆったりとしている。地金の精良さでは林派に比肩する。Kikkagata Tetsuji Jisukashi Kebori Marumimi
It is speculated that the first Kanshiro was born in Nakatsu, Buzen Province in the 18th year of Keicho. He trained as a disciple of Hikozo Hirata and was granted a license to inherit the craft of Shirakon Zaiku from the same school. He died in the 6th year of the Genroku era at the age of eighty-one.
Compared to Hayashi school, some of his early works are out of proportion with the distorted construction of the tsuba, and this adds Kanshiro's unique elegance to his designs. His technique is also graceful and relaxed. In terms of the quality of his bullion, he is on par with the Hayashi school.