保存刀装具 Hozon Tousougu
法安 鍔Houan Tsuba
No.542807法安 藤棚図鍔Houan Fujidana(wisteria trellis) Tsuba
- 極めKiwame
- 法安 Houan
- 時代Period
- 室町初期Early Muromachi period
- 法量Size
縦 8.4cm 横 8.3cm 切羽台 0.5cm 重量 164.0g
Length 8.4cm Width 8.3cm Seppadai 0.5cm Weight 164.0g
- 国Country
- 尾張Owari
- 説明Drscription
- 木瓜形 鉄地 焼手腐らし地 角耳小肉
法安鍔とは、初代法安が川口三郎法安と名乗り二代以降は法安を実家の名字として名乗りっている事から、その系統の一派を呼ぶ。初代法安は、尾張鍔の名工であり、信家や山吉などの技術的な交流が見られ、製法・作風とも類似性は多い。甲斐の国の城主浅野弾正の抱え工になり、1601年主家の移封に伴い紀伊へと移住。二代目以降は、芸州に定住する。Mokkougata Tetsuji Yakitekusarashiji Kakumimikoniku
Hoan tsuba is called a school of that lineage because the first Hoan called himself Kawaguchi Saburo Hoan, and the second and subsequent generations called themselves Hoan as their family name. The first Hoan was a master craftsman of Owari Tsuba, and technical exchanges with Nobuie and Yamayoshi can be seen, and there are many similarities in manufacturing methods and styles. He became a retainer of Danjo Asano, the lord of the castle in Kai Province, and moved to Kii in 1601 when his master's house was transferred. The second and subsequent generations settled in Geishu.