特別保存刀剣Tokubetsuhozon Token
盛寿造 短刀 時代拵付Moritoshi Zou Tanto with Jidai Koshirae
No.417818短刀 盛寿造 明治三庚年十二月 清麿門 信秀弟 美しい柾目肌に金筋砂流し頻りに掛り地刃明るく冴える傑作 時代拵付 七寸二分Tanto Moritoshi Zou December of Meiji Sanko, Kiyomaro school, younger brother of Nobuhide, Beautiful Masamehada, Kinsuji and Sunagashi hangs over and over, Jiba is bright and clear, With Jidai Koshirae 21.8cm
- 銘表Mei-Omote
- 盛寿造 Moritoshi Zou
- 裏銘Ura-mei
- 明治三庚年十二月December of Meiji Sanko
- 時代Period
- 明治三年3rd year of Meiji
- 法量Size
刃長 21.8cm ( 七寸二分) 反り 0.3cm
元幅 2.2cm 元重 0.20cm 鎬厚 0.61cm 茎長 9.3cm 重量 141gHachou 21.8cm ( 七寸二分) Sori 0.3cm
Moto-Haba 2.2cm Moto-Kasane 0.20cm Shinogi-Thikess 0.61cm Nakago-Chou 9.3cm Weight 141g - 国Country
- 越後Echigo
- 姿Shape
- 菖蒲造、庵棟、身幅狭く、反り浅くつく。Syoubu-dukuri, Iorimune, Narrow Mihaba, Shallow Soritsuku, Kitae is Masamehada-tsumi, Jinie entered finely, Iron is clear.
- 鍛Kitae
- 鍛は、柾目肌つみ、地沸微塵につき、鉄冴える。Kitae is Masamehada-tsumi, Jinie entered finely, Iron is clear.
- 刃文Hamon
- 直刃調に、浅くのたれて、小互の目交じり、棟焼き区まで掛り、足よく入り、小沸くよくつき、金筋長く頻りに掛り、匂口明るく冴える。Suguha-style, Shallow-Notarete, Mixed small-genome, Continuing from the Muneyaki to Machi, Ashi entered well, Small-Nie entered often, Kinsuji hangs long over and over, Nioikuchi is bright and clear.
- 帽子Boushi
- 乱れ込んで小丸。Midarekonde-Komaru
- 茎Nakago
- 生ぶ、先栗尻、鑢目筋交、目釘孔一。Ubu, Sakikurijiri, Yasurimesujikai, Mekugiana is one(1).
- ハバキHabaki
- 銀無垢一重。Solid silver single layer.
- 拵Sword mounitings
- 黒石目地塗鞘拵付[江戸時代]
長さ36.7cm 反り0.6cm
鐔 鉄地唐草金象嵌、 縁頭 赤銅魚子地葦に鳥図金色絵、 目貫 赤銅船に鳥図金銀色絵。 小柄 赤銅魚子地流水に鳥図金色絵。 鐺 鉄地松葉図金色絵。Kuro IShimeji Nurisaya Koshirae(Edo period)
Tsuba: Tetsuji Karakusa Kinzougan
Fuchigashira: Syakudounanakoji Ahi ni Torizu Kiniroe
Menuki: Syakudou Funeni Torizu Kingin Iroe
Koduka: Syakudounanakoji Ryusuini Torizu Kiniroe
Kojiri: Tetsuji Matsubazu Kiniroe - 彫物Carving
- 表裏に梵字を彫る。Sanskrit characters are carved on the front and back
- 説明Drscription
- 盛寿は、越後三条に生まれ、名を栗原久次郎といい、栗原信秀の弟で、兄と共に江戸に出て清麿の弟子となった。信秀の助けをしていたと思われ自身銘の作刀は非常に少ない。この刀は、菖蒲造の鋭利な姿で、柾目肌つみ、地沸微塵に厚くつく冴えた美しい地鉄に、浅いのたれに、互の目交じり、棟焼き帽子から区まで続き、足・葉よく入り、小沸よくつき、金筋砂流し頻りに掛り、匂口明るく冴え、技量の高さが伺える傑作である。Moritoshi was born in Echigo Sanjo, his name was Kurihara Kyujiro, and he was the younger brother of Kurihara Nobuhide, and together with his older brother he went to Edo and became Kiyomaro's disciple.
This sword has a sharp Syoubu-dukuri, Masamehada-tsumi, Jinie entered fine and thickly with Clear beautiful Jigane, Shallow Notare, Mixed Gunome, Muneyaki continues from Boushi to Machi. There are many Ashi and You, Small-Nie entered well, Kinsuji and Sunagashi-shikirinikakari, Nioikuchi is bright and clear. It is a masterpiece that shows the high level of skill.
This sword has the sharp appearance of Syoubu-dukuri, Masamehada-tsumi, Jinie entered fine and thick with beautiful clear Jigane, shallow Notare, Mixed Gunome, Continuing from the Muneyaki Kasira to Machi, There are many Ashi and You, Small-Nie-tsuki, Kinsuji and Sunagashi hangs over and over, Nioikuchi is bright and clear.It is a masterpiece that shows the high level of skill.