特別保存刀装具 Tokubetsuhozon Tousougu
No.892745秋田正阿弥 茶釜輪透歯朶源氏車鍔AkitaSyouami Chagama Wasukashi Shida Genji-kuruma Tsuba
- 法量Size
縦 7.84cm 横 7.38cm 切羽台 0.40cm 中心孔縦 2.54cm 中心孔横 0.81cm 重量 131g
Length 7.84cm Width 7.38cm Seppadai 0.40cm Nakaoana-Length 2.54cm Nakaoana-Width 0.81cm Weight 131g
- 説明Drscription
- 八角形 鉄地 鋤出彫 陰透 象嵌 内覆輪 縄目覆輪輪耳
秋田正阿弥は、佐竹家の彫金工として五代に渡って出仕し、名声を誇った。伝兵衛重吉を初代とし、二代伝内重高、三代伝七重常、重常の子が四代重央で、五代が重恒となっている。伝兵衞は秋田正阿弥と称して独自の工法を創案工夫しており、この芸風は一門の人々によって着実に継承されている。これと並行して享保頃から奈良派の彫法が模作されている。この2つのものが渾然として秋田正阿弥の施工技術のの基本となっているようである。この一派は鐔を主として造り、丸形が多く、異形は少ない。地鉄は鉄が多く、次いで赤銅がある。Hakkakugata Tetsuji Sukidashibori Kagesukashi Zougan Uchi-fukurin Nawame-Fukurin-wamimi
AkitaSyouami served as a metal engraver for the Satake family for five generations and was famous for his work.
The first generation was Denbee Sugiyoshi, the second generation was Shigetaka, the third generation was Shigetsune, the fourth generation was Shigeo, and the fifth generation was Shigetsune.
Denbei, who called himself Akita Syouami, invented and devised his own unique construction method, and this style has been steadily passed down by members of his family.In parallel with this, the carving method of the Nara school was imitated from around the Kyoho period.These two things appear to be the basis of AkitaSyouami construction techniques. This group mainly makes tsuba, with many Marugata and few irregular shapes. Jigane has a lot of iron, followed by shakudo.